Tuesday 29 March 2011

I will share with you my journey

I wondered what this life was really all about. Happy one minute than something happens and I would be sad.
Someone would not be helpful on the phone or I didn't get a pay rise. The list could go on. I remember getting out of bed feeling great. Then the kids started to fight and I felt like my day had been ruined.
So I slowly started to find books,courses, a life coaches and a mentor, so I can understand these moods as they are and ups and downs we all experience in life .
How can I become happy again when someone has made me sad or mad upset or just let down?? Did they make me upset or did I make myself upset???
How could I make the shift. I needed to educate my mind.
You are what you THINK you are. Take that as far as you like. As I blog you will see that this statements play a big part into finding happiness in life.
Firstly expectations came to the forefront. When something happens you don't like. We are taught to get mad and give back what you get =  more unhappiness.
Past programming. How our parents and teachers acted is how we act until we learn to choose and change.
We watch how society acts and that's how we learn.
What we don't like about OUR behaviour we can change.